Short info about Housefrau
Occasional Housefrau Playlists (1994-1995)
Regular Housefrau / HouseTV records (1995-1996)
Berlin House (1997-2000)
Viva Trance (1996)

This is a Housefrau@VivaTV fan site! The unique site with old techno&trance playlists of Housefrau/HouseTV/BerlinHouse video presentations!


The links that you may find on this web site are merely search links that redirect your request to several search engines (for your convenience). There are NO audio or video files hosted on this site. Although, you can request a particular song by e-mail (click an audio/video icon or write to this address:

If you know anything more about Housefrau, especially if you have HF listings or records, PLEASE let me know!

Contact address:

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